Merry Mariner's Cruise to The Green Flash on March 21st, 2006

It was another beautiful day for a Merry Mariners Cruise.

Here we are docked at the Green Flash.  An always popular destination.

The docks at the Green Flash.  We arrived at 11:15 AM which put us just before the lunch crunch.
More happy members.  The view over the water is wonderful.
Everyone is patiently waiting for their food.

Dennis and Denis Bastyr brought Canadian friends along.

Dick and Di Farr drove Susan Shallbetter to the restaurant. Susan is recovering from a hip replacement and cannot go on a boat for awhile.

For some reason I did not get a picture of Chris Moritz Moritz who was took care of the 50-50 raffle today.  Thanks Chris.

Our first winner was Deloris Devaney.

Jim and Pat Overholser won the gift certificate to the Green Flash.

And of course Marilyn Mahoney won more money.

Denis Bastyr was a luck winner,

As was Heidi G-Z.

The view from the steps of the Green Flash.
It's time to leave and all the crews and skippers are preparing for the trip home.
It was another wonderful Merry Mariner trip.

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